Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Rights - Essay Example Considering the natural rights, in particular, are rights of a person, and thought to be beyond the authority of a governing body or international organization. This theory was developed by the famous philosopher John Locke (Wikipedia n.pag). Human rights, democratic system and the statute of law are center ethics of the European Union and entrenched in its beginning pact. They have been toughened by the adoption of a Charter of Fundamental Rights. Value for human rights is a precondition for countries looking to join the Union and a requirement for countries that have business pact and other agreements with it. The European Union considers human rights as universal and inseparable. Hence they promote it aggressively and protecting them within its boundaries and in its relationships with outside nations. The European Union’s human rights policy is made applicable to civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. It also looks ahead to encourage the rights of women and children in addition to minorities and displaced persons. The terrorist activity is one of a main concern and the fight against it is given most priority. Even though European Union has superior human rights evidence, yet it is not satisfied. It is mainly anxious about human rights in the area of refuge and migration and it is against racial discrimination, and other types of unfairness to minorities. The European Union has a long practice of welcoming people from other countries. The European Union has already given the rights of the five million non-EU refugee personnel lawfully recognized in the European Union, even with the right of family members to join them. Several steps have been taken up for setting up a Common European Asylum System with approved measures for granting and withdrawing refugee status and setting reception environment for asylum seekers. Further, a European Refugee Fund has been built up

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Passage of High School Life Essay Example for Free

The Passage of High School Life Essay Ron Suskind’s A Hope in the Unseen is a moving novel that illustrates the passage of a young man high school through his first year as a freshman at Brown University. What makes the storyline most interesting is that the protagonist, Cedric Lavar Jennings, hails from a particularly unique background. His father is a drug addict who spends half his time in prison and the other half of his time on parole working any job he can find. As a result, Gilliam plays little to no role as a parental figure save the few times Cedric interacts with him in prison. Cedric’s mother Barbra, on the contrary, is an incredible human being. Words fail to express exactly how much Barbra has sacrificed for her son Cedric. â€Å"She’s been killing herself, her lifeblood channeled thorough scriptural pieties and long-shot hopes for Cedric’s future, leaving new own urges untended and volatile† (42). In this sense, Cedric is virtually brought up entirely by his mother and her values quickly ingrain themselves in Cedric. The first part of the novel chronicles Cedric’s final years at Frank W. Ballou Senior High; a high school in southeast Washington DC frequented by inner-city children whose last concern is academics. The portrait given of the school is pretty bleak, with multiple daily reports of violence. Crab/bucket syndrome: â€Å"when one crab tries to climb from the bucket, the others pull it down† (17). Amidst this background at Ballou, Cedric not only manages to maintain his high academic standards but also succeeds in passing under the radar of violence. Cedric holds true to his ambitions of attending an Ivy-League university and is rewarded for his hard work the summer of his junior year by virtue of a letter of acceptance to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s MITES program. MITES is a program established for minority students who display significant promise. Successful completion of such a program is paramount for Cedric because a healthy percentage of students who participate in the MITES program and who demonstrate potential are subsequently asked back to MIT for four full years of college. The MIT program proves to be quite the experience for Cedric, who quickly finds himself far behind other minority students for the first time in his life. He is suddenly immersed in a world of competitive minorities, a world he has never seen before, and the entire process is rather overwhelming culture shock. â€Å"up in Cambridge, meeting black kids who were so much different than him left him confused about what being black means† (100) ANOMIE. Needless to say, in his meeting with Professor Leon Trilling at the end of the program, Cedric is told that his performance during the summer does not qualify him for a spot into the fall class at MIT. Although difficult for Cedric to stomach, the news is nothing unexpected. Cedric spend the entire summer in a constant struggle to compete with others in the program. Undaunted, Cedric continues his crusade at Ballou, keeping his head down and focused at the finish line for his senior year. Cedric, now past the prospect of enrollment in MIT, decides to apply to Brown University as a last resort. Cedric, unable to cope with the idea of going to a mediocre college after his years of sacrifice and hard work, feels that Brown is his final out. Cedric’s prayers are answered and he receives a letter of acceptance to Brown University. The remainder of the novel describes Cedric’s experience at Brown, which in many ways parallels what he had at MIT. Cedric once again finds it difficult to compete in any class besides Calculus and realizes that most of his peers can even afford to party on the weekends and sustain their superior academic performance. Even the African American students at Brown seem much more intelligent than he is, with almost everyone hailing from a fully-functional family with money. The storyline Suskind paints of Brown is vivid in its depiction of freshman year interactions (all awkwardness included). Amidst the backdrop of freshman year, Cedric finds it difficult to partake in the festivities of normal college freshman (drinking) and as a result keeps mostly to himself. Cedric opts to take each of his first semester classes as pass/fail to hedge against his uncertainty of academic performance. Pass/Fail â€Å"to encourage students to take intellectual risks, to try some classes in unfamiliar disciplines they might otherwise avoid for fear of a bad grade† (173). Cedric walks away from his fall semester passing all of his classes and even whishing he had taken some for a letter grade. In a valiant effort, Cedric decides to take five spring classes, one more than the recommended four, each for a letter grade. Although Cedric ultimately drops one class and elects to take two of the remaining four as pass/fail, he walks away from the semester with two passes, an A and a B. The general theme seen throughout the novel is upwards social mobility and the sacrifices necessary to achieve such movement. To illustrate, consider how Barbra sacrificed most of her life to perform a very active role in Cedric’s upbringing. In many ways, Cedric’s success is primarily attributed to the efforts undertaken by his mother. In some ways, it appears that the results of upwards social mobility are primarily realized a generation later. This is to say that the fruits of hard work performed by one generation are not fully enjoyed until a second generation afterwards. In many ways, Barbra does not receive much feedback for her toiling until Cedric experiences the set doors that are now open to him after his Brown education. Cedric’s entire journey is in many ways a means towards an end. The end is upwards social mobility. Although the overarching theme is upwards social mobility, there are plenty of additional core themes that are readily apparent. These are deviance, education, and religion. In many ways it can be said that Cedric is a deviant at Ballou. Cedric, with his academic drive, is undoubtedly viewed as an an outcast amidst the backdrop students with little no incentive to study. At Ballou, it is almost as if his peers are expected to walk into a word of drug-dealing and violence. There is simply zero incentive to study. This is unfortunate because there are many students, like Philip Atkins, who possess significant potential yet choose not to stand out like Cedric and to instead conform to the common stereotypes of black males. â€Å"Distinctiveness can be dangerous, so it’s best to develop an aptitude for not being noticed† (2-3). Cedric’s academic standards are different than those of any other black man and only mirrored in isolated instances by a few select girls. Because Cedric stands far from the typical African American stereotype, he has few friends in school. At assemblies held to honor the select few students who got all A’s, the entire student body shuns Cedric for his academic performance and label him, ironically, as an uppity individual who displays similar pride as a Caucasian. (negative sanction/stigma) This is highly degrading and Cedric skips the ceremony altogether, afraid to accept the financial cash award for straight-A’s in front of the rest of the school. It is logical to imply that within the confines of Ballou High, deviance is a dangerous trait to harbor. In some ways, it can even get you killed. Cedric is a deviant from the structures that society almost demands he follow. Even at Brown, where everyone is just as smart as Cedric, if not more so, Cedric is a deviant. In order to keep up with everyone, Cedric cannot afford to waste time going out over the weekends and socializing as normal college students would. Cedric once again finds himself a deviant at an academic institution. Here, where the stereotypes are not hustling and being a thug, a male in Cedric’s position is almost expected to party on the weekends, smoke weed and drink alcohol. These avenues are not at all appealing to Cedric, whose father is in jail because of drug addictions and whose mother is an active member of the church. Cedric successfully steers clear of these temptations and is thus a deviant amidst an entire population of college students indulging themselves. Overall, the theme of deviance in this novel is shown to transfer to the deviant character plenty of wear and tear. This is to say that it takes a lot to be a deviant. Being a deviant entails going against the grain which can be a particularly difficult process to continue living with. The second core theme is education as a primary means to social mobility. In the novel, education is an important precursor to social mobility as it is said to open many doors in the future. The idea of an education is important in that it serves as a distinguishing factor. It stratifies individuals and labels them. Gatekeeping is â€Å"determining which people will enter what occupations is another function of education† (504). â€Å"No one’s going to hire a drug dealer and armed robber who has spend nearly half his life locked up† (56). A conflict theorist would say that education is an institution that is unable to be perfectly fair to all (LATENT FUNCTION). All public schools, like the one Cedric attends in DC, are funded according to their standardized testing scores. Since minorities tend to cluster together in inner cities, most of the students who attend public schools in bad neighborhoods are very poor and not generally driven to succeed. Intern, due to their low drive and academic abilities, these schools are unable to secure proper and necessary federal funding to improve their offerings. The poor schools thus become poorer and more substandard while other schools, mostly those with students who come from more wealthy families, are granted more funding, only further exacerbating the problem. â€Å"Once they arrive, affirmative action kids are generally left so sink or swim academically†¦Not surprisingly, dropout rates among minorities, particularly those of lower income, tend to be higher than the rest† (191). Education is presented as a process throughout the book. It may not be primarily about memorizing calculus theorems, but rather the entire sequence of socialization that college entails that properly constitutes an â€Å"education. † In this sense, an education is more about dealing with problems and setbacks in the most efficient manner. â€Å"Education is a group’s formal system of teaching knowledge, values, and skills† (498). Also use the term hidden curriculum, or â€Å"the attitudes and the unwritten rules of behavior that schools teach in addition to the formal curriculum† (507). Credential societys use things like diplomas as a sort of filter to determine who is eligible for one job and who isn’t. These skills can be applied to life, as Cedric later discovers. Almost everything in education implies overcoming obstacles and the same can be said for social mobility. The ascent up the social ladder is laden with challenges and meeting people who are formidable competitors. Yet the skills a proper education teaches of how to overcome such difficulties are invaluable in the process of social mobility. In some sense, education teaches how to best deal with competition and successful management of competition is a precursor for social mobility. In this manner, the two go hand-in-hand. The third core theme is religion and its functionalist impact on human life. The building blocks of capitalism are not economical but religious: Max Weber and the Protestant Ethic â€Å"financial success was the blessing that indicated that God was on their side† (13). Throughout the novel, the implied connection is that religion creates intense group ties that help individuals wade through the minefield of life PRIMARY GROUP. As part of her upbringing, Barbra introduces Cedric to Scripture Church and Pastor Long at an early age. The church community quickly becomes a major portion of Cedric’s life. From his early years, Cedric makes the church a major part of his life. In some ways, the ritual of going to church and the community present at the church are a strong point upon which Cedric draws the courage to keep going while being such a deviant at Ballou. The church helps Cedric build up his defenses for the weathering process that being a deviant entails. For Cedric, the church community is just what he needs. Religion teaches Cedric the lifelong skill of listening to others and respecting those above him. â€Å"Scripture Cathedral offered Cedric and Barbara neat designations of good and evil and strict rules forbidding even common activities, like watching movies or dressing provocatively† (36). It is important to note that religion is important to lay the foundation upon which most of Cedric’s traits later built upon yet Cedric’s tie to religion slowly changes as he travels through his freshman year at Brown. Here, he is able to incorporate what he learned from Church with daily functioning. Now far from the church, Cedric does not seek another church and distances himself from the word of God. Even so, when he returns to DC, Cedric still attends church but not with the same intensity. About the student body at Brown: â€Å"very few of them arrived by simply putting their trust in God and praying everything would work out. Took a lot more than that† (274). However, even without religion playing such an active role in his life, Cedric still continues on a reputable path towards upwards social mobility. It is interesting that when the circumstances were right, religion was Cedric’s savior yet it appears that once he regained his footing and his confidence, he slowly drifts from religion but does so without hurting his overall goals. Religion, therefore, is functional in establishing a good foundation for future success, yet it appears to be yet another aspect of successful life whose relative importance or emphasis is prone to change over time. The novel demonstrates that an integral component of Cedric’s success were the values he was taught by the church. â€Å"She knows that Bishop’s message is no longer sinking in as deeply as it once did. But it’s already in Cedric – the Holy Spirit, the Word – and it will guide him wherever he goes† (111). In this sense, it can be said that the church was an integral aspect for Cedric’s success and his ultimate social mobility. The church taught Cedric to be humble, decent, and aware of whom he is in relation to others. Many of these values translate to his successful competition with the other Brown undergraduates. â€Å"All he has to do, ultimately, is join this crowd academically† (335). Emile Durkheim and Social Integration: â€Å"the degree to which people are tied to their social group† (12). Achieved status. Overall, I really enjoyed the novel. I felt it was a very thorough and accurate portrayal of Cedric (the real man) and explored his inner thoughts and feelings in a complicated and very moving manner. I felt almost as if the descriptions were those of Cedric alone and not simply the reproduced words of the author. I read the afterword written by the author about his process of writing the novel and of ensuring all the descriptions of Cedric’s feelings were accurate according to Cedric himself. It is therefore no surprise to me that these descriptions seem so authentic. Looking-glass self, as explained by W. E. B. DuBois†¦the black man does not have a true conscience but rather a double-consciousness – â€Å"a sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity† (327). Charles Horton Cooley The Looking Glass Self â€Å"We imagine how we appear to those around us†¦we interpret other’s reactions†¦we develop a self-concept† (68-69). It is difficult to say whether or not I agree or disagree with the author because in very few places are the author’s feelings ever evidenced. The novel is more or less a portrayal of things as Cedric saw them, with no insight into the author’s true point of view. If anything, it can be said that the author holds Cedric in high esteem and values the sacrifices and hard work Cedric put into his academic career. For this much I certainly agree. I feel Cedric’s journey is undoubtedly praiseworthy and certainly one in a million. There are many people who doubt programs like affirmative action even work. â€Å"a program filled with self-assured middle- or upper-middle-class black and Hispanic kids – leaders of tomorrow, all – many of whom are here for little more than resume padding† (91). Here, it is possible to see how affirmative act falls short in its original intentions. However, this novel is a true demonstration that they DO in fact work for some people who make the most out of the unique opportunity it presents them. Sure, these students will face a much more steep learning curve than others will, but I maintain that having to deal with a steep learning curve is much better than not having a learning curve in the first place.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Marriage is a Sacred Union between Man and Woman Essay -- Gay Marriage

Marriage is Sacred Marriage has always been a sacred agreement between a man and a woman. This definition was written in the Bible and sanctified by God. Our country was founded on the principles of the Bible and therefore should not support an action, such as legalizing gay marriage, which goes against our founding beliefs. When it comes to the issue of gay marriage, Americans have many different views. Research shows that the majority of Americans oppose gay marriage, but when it comes to deciding who should make the laws, Americans are split in half (Bayles 6). 48% of Americans said that the federal government should make the laws and 46% say it should be left to the states (6). This information shows that the majority of Americans have strong opinions about the issue, but don’t know of any way to solve the issue (6). The controversy of gay marriage is seen even in groups who support strong marriages. Author Karen Peterson uses her article to address the issue of how gay marriage sits with the â€Å"marriage movement,† the coalition of professionals dedicated to strengthening marriages (7). This movement has successfully included pro-marriage initiatives across America and formed new high school courses on relationships (Peterson 7). Peterson finds that the â€Å"marriage movement† has many different views within itself and struggles with the question of â€Å"How can one be a proponent of marriage in general but oppose marriages between gays† (7). David Blankenhorn who is the founder of the Institute for American Values and an important member of the coalition, says that they hope to settle the issue and no longer be silent about it. The coalition hopes to participate in and improve the nationa... ... come from this decision. Allowing gays to marry will go against American history and simply cause problems for the people of America now and in the future. Works Cited Bayles, Fred, and Andrea Stone. â€Å"Gay-marriages foes try to stop ‘activist courts.’† USA Today 25 Feb. 2004: 06a. Bennett, William. â€Å"Leave Marriage Alone.† Newsweek 3 June 1996: 27. Breslau, Karen, Brad Stone, Debra Rosenberg and Tamara Lipper. â€Å"Outlaw Vows.† Newsweek 1 Mar. 2004: 40. â€Å"Broken marriages, not gay nuptials, pose risk to kids.† USA Today 23 Feb. 2004: 18a. Peterson, Karen S. â€Å"On gays, ‘marriage movement’ is on both sides of the aisle.† USA Today 4 Aug. 2003: 07d. Sullivan, Andrew. â€Å"Let Gays Marry.† Newsweek 3 June 1996: 26. Taylor, Chris. â€Å"I Do: No You Don’t.† Time 1 Mar. 2004: 3c. â€Å"USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll.† USA Today 24 Feb. 2004: 06d.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cda Competency Goal # 1 Essays Examples

Competency Goal #1 To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment. One of the primary concerns in a preschool center based program is establishing and maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment. I will explain how I maintain this with examples in different areas and the goals I feel are important for a child to achieve. Two of the activities that I practice are fire safety and tornado drills. The purpose of fire/tornado drills is to let the children know where and what to do in case of and emergency situation.The most important reason for these drills enforces is to try and to teach the children to be calm and feel safe. We practice the drills monthly. The classroom is another area of significance for safety. The toys are checked daily, the room is clean and clutter free. The child’s personal belongings are put in his or her cubby and marked with their name. All medicines and chemicals are stored in a cabinet and are locked at all times. The room is set u p in a manner that my Para’s and I are able to supervise the children at all times. The telephone numbers of each child’s parents are in a file cabinet located next to the office phone.All emergency numbers are posted next to the office phone. The outdoor play area is checked daily for debris and equipment is in good and stable condition. We practice hygiene habits such as washing hands before and after meals, after the use of the bathroom and after they have their diaper changed. By establishing this habit at a young age, the children will grow-up developing cleanliness and pride in taking care of themselves. I use a private room separate from the classroom when changing diapers and use the Universal Safety precautions as well.The room is clean and tidy. The toys are washed weekly and the diaper area after each change with Clorox wipes and a disinfecting spray. This helps to keep germs from spreading. Good nutrition is essential in young children. Serving well balance d meals by choosing foods from the Food Pyramid (4 basic food groups) is important. All of our meals and snacks are provided through our school meal service and is pre-portioned for each child. I also use nutrition as an overall theme by doing activities like art, stories, and food tasting projects.The children sit at tables and chairs; also use silverware that is size appropriate. Meal time is a learning experience so all the children serve themselves family style. The actual room is set in an organized manner with open stations for the children to see materials and are able to play freely. All of the centers are labeled and books are shelved in an orderly fashion. I have developed a daily schedule and weekly themes to provide stimulation and knowledge. Having the room structured assists me to meet my goals as a lead teacher.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Verizon Wireless

Do Verizon have a distinctive competency? If So, what is the Source of that competency? Yes. Verizon have a distinctive competency. Source of competency It has the largest coverage area. Verizon use automated software programs that analyzed the call habits of individual customers. Provide customer care service. How do Verizon’s Customer service capabilities and Coverage Affect the Quality of its service Offering? How Do You think they affect Verizon’s cost structure? Quality of service offering: By provide clear connections and fewer dropped calls than on any other network that affect the quality of its service offering.It was the First wireless provider to connect to the internet in major metropolitans areas via a laptop or cell phone. It had automated software programs to analyze the call habits of individual customer, for which its goal was to anticipate customer needs and satisfaction. Affect on cost structure: Verizon has invested Heavily in it’s customer ca re function That affects the cost structure of the Verizon wireless. How would you characterized Verizon’s Business-level strategy? How do the company’s functional Strategies enable it to implement its business-level strategy?Verizon’s business level strategy : Verizon’s has largest coverage area of any wireless provider that differentiate their products from its rivals. By offering nation wide broad band service, enjoy the large market share. Took unique Advertisement strategy. Using â€Å"TEST MAN† advertisement. The way Functional level strategies enable to Implement Business level Strategy: Firstly , the company invested heavily in building high quality nationwide wireless network. That helped it to position itself on differentiation base to its customer.Verizon’s churn rate is lower than its rivals and this has increased their customer and achieves economies of scale by spreading fixed cost of building network over a large customer base . It installed CDMA technology instead of traditional GSM, which gave differential advantages over GSM to provide better service and lowering its cost. Do you think that Verizon has a sustainable competitive advantage in the wireless business? I think verizon has a sustainable competitive advantage. Because: Verizon has Nationwide wireless network.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tess of the DUrbervilles essays

Tess of the DUrbervilles essays Thomas Hardys Tess of the DUrbervilles portrays the struggles of Tess Durbeyfield with the fateful incidents and misfortunes that mark the course of a tragic life. Tess, a beautiful peasant, struggles with many hardships throughout her life. She struggles with social class, the men in her life, Alec DUrberville and Angel Claire, and the notion of being a pure woman. Fate plays an important role in creating almost inescapable circumstances in Tess Durbeyfields life. For the first 16 years of her life, Tess and her family live in a middle class state of affairs in the town of Marlott. Her father John Durbeyfield is not in good health. He has little interest in working, and spends most of his time drinking. Upon returning to his home one evening, Durbeyfield meets a man named Parson Tringham who informs him that the Durbeyfield family is the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the DUrbervilles, who... came from Normandy with William the Conqueror. This news suddenly changes Durbeyfields view on his familys lifestyle and he immediately decides that his family should be living as his knightly and noble ancestors once did. The family sends their eldest daughter, Tess, to see if the Durberville family would assist them financially. They also have additional hopes of Tess marrying a gentleman and restoring their family status. This single decision of insisting she leave her sheltered life in the town of Marlott, the only existence she has ever known, will be the change in her life that will begin a series of events that eventually lead to tragedy. Alec (Stock) DUrberville meets Tess. Her parents fantasize of Tess coming home with a commitment of marriage from Alec, the man they assume to be a gentleman, and instead he rapes her of her dignity. Alec seduces Tess in the forest of Chase, He knelt and bent lower, till her br...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Beliefs and Practices during time of Pericles essays

The Beliefs and Practices during time of Pericles essays The Beliefs and Practices of the Athenians in the time of Pericles The people of Athens in the time of Pericles had many religious beliefs and practices. Peoples beliefs and practices were often very important to the way they went about their everyday lives. Some of these practices would be visiting the temple, praying to the gods, and the many different festivals that were conducted throughout the year as a result of beliefs in different gods. The first thing that is noticeable about the Athenian culture in Pericles time is that the whole culture revolves around polytheistic beliefs, the worship of many gods. This is especially evident when looking at the Acropolis with its many temples dedicated to the different deities that were most commonly worshiped. Although the Athenians were polytheistic and therefore divided in their allegiances to the gods they all worshiped showed immense respect to the god of their beloved city, Athena. The Parthenon was the chief temple in the Acropolis; it was dedicated to the cities patron goddess Athena. On the outside of the temple there was a frieze that depicts the birth of the goddess Athena as well as her battle with the god Poseidon for the city of Athens. Another frieze on the temple shows one of the most important religious events that occurred in Athens called the Panathenaic procession. This festival occurred once a year and during this festival a new peplos or dress was carried up to the acropolis and placed on the wooden statue of Athena. The people of Athens had many beliefs and as a result were very ritualistic when it came to worshiping their gods. This show of rituals was encouraged in order for the people to please the gods they were worshiping and in doing so kept the gods from punishing them. The most important forms of rituals that were performed were the festivals that the people performed. In writings that have been found we discover that there were ma...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Figures of Thought

Definition and Examples of Figures of Thought In rhetoric, a figure of thought is a  figurative expression that, for its effect, depends less on the choice or arrangement of words than on the meaning(s) conveyed. (In Latin, figura sententia.) Irony and metaphor, for example, are often regarded as figures of thoughtor tropes. Over the centuries, many scholars and rhetoricians have attempted to draw clear distinctions between figures of thought and figures of speech, but the overlap is considerable and sometimes bewildering. Professor Jeanne Fahnestock describes figure of thought as a very misleading label. Observations - A figure of thought is an unexpected change in syntax or an arrangement of the ideas, as opposed to the words, within a sentence, which calls attention to itself. Antithesis is a figure of thought involving arrangement: You have heard that it was said You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matt. 5:43-44); rhetorical question one involving syntax: But if the salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? (Matt:5:13). Another common figure of thought is apostrophe, in which the speaker suddenly makes a direct appeal to someone, as Jesus does in the eleventh verse of Matthew 5: Blessed are you when men revile you... A less common, but quite effective figure is climax, where the thought is emphasized or clarified and given an emotional twist as if by climbing a ladder (the term means ladder in Greek): We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us (Rom. 5:3-4). (George A. Kennedy, New Testament Interpretation Through Rhetorical Criticism. The University of North Carolina Press, 1984) - Recognizing that all language is inherently figurative, classical rhetoricians regarded metaphors, similes, and other figurative devices as both figures of thought and figures of speech. (Michael H. Frost, Introduction to Classical Legal Rhetoric: A Lost Heritage. Ashgate, 2005) Figures of Thought, Speech, and Sound It is possible to distinguish figures of thought, figures of speech, and figures of sound. In Cassiuss line early in Shakespeares Julius CaesarRome, thou hast lost the breed of noble bloodswe see all three sorts of figure. The apostrophe Rome (Cassius is really talking to Brutus) is one of the rhetorical figures. The synecdoche blood (using one component of the organism conventionally to represent human quality in the abstract) is a trope. The pentameter, the iambic rhythm, and the emphatic repetition of certain sounds (b and l in particular) are figures of sound. (William Harmon and Hugh Holman, A Handbook to Literature, 10th ed. Pearson, 2006) Irony As a Figure of Thought Like Quintilian, Isidore of Seville defined irony as a figure of speech and as a figure of thoughtwith the figure of speech, or clearly substituted word, being the primary example. The figure of thought occurs when irony extends across a whole idea, and does not just involve the substitution of one word for its opposite. So, Tony Blair is a saint is a figure of speech or verbal irony if we really think that Blair is a devil; the word saint substitutes for its opposite. I must remember to invite you here more often would be a figure of thought, if I really meant to express my displeasure at your company. Here, the figure does not lie in the substitution of a word, but in the expression of an opposite sentiment or idea. (Claire Colebrook, Irony. Routledge, 2004) Figures of Diction and Figures of Thought To confer distinction (dignitas) on style is to render it ornate, embellishing it by variety. The divisions under Distinction are Figures of Diction and Figures of Thought. It is a figure of diction if the adornment is comprised in the fine polish of the language itself. A figure of thought derives a certain distinction from the idea, not from the words. (Rhetorica ad Herennium, IV.xiii.18, c. 90 BC) Martianus Capella on Figures of Thought and Figures of Speech The difference between a figure of thought and a figure of speech is that the figure of thought remains even if the order of the words is changed, whereas a figure of speech cannot remain if the word order is changed, although it can often happen that a figure of thought is in conjunction with a figure of speech, as when the figure of speech epanaphora is combined with irony, which is a figure of thought. (Martianus Capella and the Seven Liberal Arts: The Marriage of Philology and Mercury, ed. by William Harris Stahl with E.L. Burge. Columbia University Press, 1977) Figures of Thought and Pragmatics This category [figures of thought] is difficult to define, but we can begin to understand it from the perspective of pragmatics, the dimension of linguistic analysis concerned with what an utterance is supposed to accomplish for the speaker and with how it functions in a particular situation. Quintilian captures the pragmatic or situational nature of the figures of thought when he tries to distinguish them from the schemes, For the former [the figures of thought] lies in the conception, the latter [the schemes] in the expression of our thought. The two, however, are frequently combined . . .. (Jeanne Fahnestock, Aristotle and Theories of Figuration. Rereading Aristotles Rhetoric, ed. by Alan G. Gross and Arthur E. Walzer. Southern Illinois University Press, 2000) Further Reading Figurative LanguageFigures of SoundFigures, Tropes, and Other Rhetorical TermsMeaningParrhesiaTool Kit for Rhetorical AnalysisTop 20 Figures of SpeechTropes  and  Master Tropes

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Implementing Radical Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Implementing Radical Change - Essay Example This study follows the recommendations suggested by Gersick (1991) to differentiate between changes in processes and the outcome of these processes. The author used this recommendation to differentiate between the nature of changes and its implementation speed. These two dimensions have been used as frameworks to discuss all the issues related to radical changes implementation. This paper suggests that it is very useful to differentiate between the nature of changes and the speed of its implementation and assumes that this distinction is important to deal with radical changes; especially for researchers and change managers. This paper suggests that the gradual implementation of radical changes can reduce the degree of user resistance to changes. As pointed out by this paper, the gradual (slow) implementation of radical changes can be achieved with more effect under specific circumstances, especially in the software development. This study suggests that there are two key elements that contribute to the gradual implementation of radical changes: "organization characteristics" such as organizational culture and "technological innovation" such as investing in technology on a long-term. This study uses two dimensions of changes- the nature of change and the implementation of the changes. These two dimensions give the study a broad understanding of how the changes happen and what is the effective speed to implement the changes. The findings of this r... This paper suggests that the gradual implementation of radical changes can reduce the degree of user resistance to changes. As pointed out by this paper, the gradual (slow) implementation of radical changes can be achieved with more effect under specific circumstances, especially in the software development. This study suggests that there are two key elements that contribute to the gradual implementation of radical changes: "organization characteristics" such as organizational culture and "technological innovation" such as investing in technology on a long-term. 3.2. Evaluation This study uses two dimensions of changes- the nature of change and the implementation of the changes. These two dimensions give the study a broad understanding of how the changes happen and what is the effective speed to implement the changes. This study is limited to particular change in certain organizations during a short period of time and cannot be generalized into other changes in other organizations. The findings of this research results from the implementation of radical change in a specific organization settings, during the implementation of the specific technology -"CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) tools". Hence there are no evidences to prove that the findings may be applicable to other technologies. 3.3. Key sources The authors of this paper based on the recommendation of Gersick as a key source for analysing the radical changes in the selected company. This paper drew on the works of Fichman, Kemerer and Orlikowski to categorize the implementation of CASE tools as radical changes. In addition, this study is based on the "episodic pattern" introduced by Tyre and Orlikowski to determine the implementation speed of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Trust between a child and his caregiver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trust between a child and his caregiver - Essay Example This paper aims to highlight that once the trust between a child and his caregiver is broken then it becomes difficult to earn that trust back. Whatever the children see, notice, and hear they adopt it and store it in their minds. Therefore the factor of trust is crucial one between a child and a caregiver. Children are good observers; they carefully notice and observe what is happening around them. They often catch what we say and store them in their mind. The case of Christopher from the text is a good example of this relationship between a child and his caregiver i.e. his father. The case of Christopher is not an ordinary one, he needs more attention and care than other children as he has some issues and his brain does not work properly. He lives with his father who is not happy with his habit of eating everything and pooping on the floor or anywhere. While Christopher is trying to build trust between him and his father, his father tells him something astonishing. He tells him that he had murdered someone and that he lied to him. However, his father wants Christopher to trust him now. Christopher calculates in his mind t hat since he lied to him already and he had murdered someone, therefore, he might murder Christopher as well and he should not trust him. Thinking in this manner led Christopher to plan an escape from the house as he is frightened of being murdered (Haddon). Just like Christopher, we had a neighbor who had two children. The parents used to go to office while caregiver looked after them and used to pick and drop them from their school. One afternoon on their way back from the school the caregiver accidentally hit on a pole. Children were frightened, although no one was injured. Despite of being with him and travelling with him for more than 1.5 years, the children never drove with him again because they did not trust him anymore and were frightened like Christopher. Both the examples from the

Robert Darnton's Peasants Tell Tales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Robert Darnton's Peasants Tell Tales - Essay Example In a piece of writing "Peasants Tell Tales" published in the New York Review of Books in February 1984 Darnton asserted that Europe's fairy tales presented an unusual door into "the mental world of the early modern peasantry", for the reason that those tales integrated centuries of peasant acuities. To Darnton, the fairy tales of Perrault plus the Grimms took on an influential new implication, due to their potential to imitate peasant worldviews and quick looks of lives lived in centuries past. Darnton further recommended in his article "Peasants Tell Tales" that French and German variant of the same storyline consistently measured national characteristics as well as national differences. The influence of Darnton's essay lay in his collection of familiar contentions on the subject of the origins and spread of fairy tales. Nineteenth-century postulations had turn into twentieth-century verities.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Effects of Modern-Day Fascination with Celebrities Essay

Effects of Modern-Day Fascination with Celebrities - Essay Example To be more precise, celebrities make the society to throw away the cultural makeup. Hence, the community members put on a fake image that does not depict their own characters. Technology is the primary cause of these entire obsessions with celebrities. Teens glue themselves to the television; watching programs that makes them more interested in the lives of celebrities more than their own. Smartphones, on the other hand, provide updates about celebrities’ gossips every hour. Just to remember, the past week, everyone talk was all about the revealed story of Solange, Beyonce’s sister attacking Jay-Z while in an elevator (Sarah, 2014). Thus, the society read about it in the magazine, searched it on the internet, or heard it from friends. Most people obsession with celebrities can lead to cultural paradigm alterations. To some extent, the adjustments are real. A good example is of Michael Sam, the footballer who came out building the confidence of most of the young gay athl etes. He advanced the advocacy for gay marriages and promoted free to talk about their sexuality. On its negative side, the culture of celebrities and fascination with status and wealth make the average and poor people feel unworthy of the world. As a result, the mind of the young people growing up to find a place in the world is corrupted with no option but to become rich even through violence. In fact, some researchers claimed the existence of a growing disorder known as â€Å"Celebrity Worship Syndrome.† The disease is however not inclusive of personality disorder (Inglis, 2010).

Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Organizational Behavior - Essay Example Becoming a better leader is an important and worthy cause. Good leaders are able to motivate and improve the performance of the employees. Being a charismatic leader can be beneficial, but charismatic leadership is not the only effective form of leadership. Other leadership styles such as transformational and transactional leadership can help a manager lead a company in a productive manner. Behavioral theories and situational contingency theories can also be used by managers to improve leadership. Workplace diversity is a critical driver of innovation in an organization. The reason that diversity helps foster innovation is because a diverse workforce is more creative than a homogeneous workforce. The human resource department is responsible for hiring a diverse workforce composition within an enterprise. I believe that a lot of innovative companies have a diverse workforce. Due to the globalization movement many multinational firms operate in various countries simultaneously. These firms have to be adept at dealing with workforce diversity issues. Creativity within a workforce leads to product innovation. Do you think that motivation is best fostered with extrinsic rewards such as money or do you think that organizations and leaders should strive to develop intrinsic motivation (love of job, making a difference, etc.)? I believe that the most effective motivator is the use of extrinsic rewards. People at work are motivated by financial rewards. Some financial rewards often used by corporations include bonuses, commissions, and stock option plans. Intrinsic rewards can be effective as a secondary type of motivator. A firm can become more â€Å"asshole resistant† by recruiting employees that have strong moral character. The implementation of a code of ethics can create standards of conduct that the employees of a company must follow. High ethical conduct is desirable in all the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Effects of Modern-Day Fascination with Celebrities Essay

Effects of Modern-Day Fascination with Celebrities - Essay Example To be more precise, celebrities make the society to throw away the cultural makeup. Hence, the community members put on a fake image that does not depict their own characters. Technology is the primary cause of these entire obsessions with celebrities. Teens glue themselves to the television; watching programs that makes them more interested in the lives of celebrities more than their own. Smartphones, on the other hand, provide updates about celebrities’ gossips every hour. Just to remember, the past week, everyone talk was all about the revealed story of Solange, Beyonce’s sister attacking Jay-Z while in an elevator (Sarah, 2014). Thus, the society read about it in the magazine, searched it on the internet, or heard it from friends. Most people obsession with celebrities can lead to cultural paradigm alterations. To some extent, the adjustments are real. A good example is of Michael Sam, the footballer who came out building the confidence of most of the young gay athl etes. He advanced the advocacy for gay marriages and promoted free to talk about their sexuality. On its negative side, the culture of celebrities and fascination with status and wealth make the average and poor people feel unworthy of the world. As a result, the mind of the young people growing up to find a place in the world is corrupted with no option but to become rich even through violence. In fact, some researchers claimed the existence of a growing disorder known as â€Å"Celebrity Worship Syndrome.† The disease is however not inclusive of personality disorder (Inglis, 2010).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Impact of Workplace Diversity on Job Performance. (Walmart case Essay

The Impact of Workplace Diversity on Job Performance. (Walmart case study) - Essay Example Findings revealed that workforce diversity has both positive and negative impacts on job performance in Walmart and that current diversity-related issues are not that damaging yet to the strategic objectives of the company. Results also showed that the most effective strategy to counter the potential negative impact of workforce diversity in the organization is to implement evidence-based initiatives which are to be introduced in several phases. Moreover, there are multifarious benefits of workforce diversity to the company. Recommendations forwarded include continuously reinforcing positive impacts, neutralizing the negative impact, evaluating diversity profiles, revisiting policies, and soliciting feedback NOW to make sure that the gap between diversity requirements and the mechanisms that address these are limited at tolerable levels. More importantly, Walmart should sustain the momentum of its diverse workforce in bringing value to the company. Introduction: Strategic human resource management (HRM) is an integral approach aimed at reaching organizational goals. It correlates about how an institution directs the performance of its officers and workers within a targeted period to perfect the company’s relation with the market and to ensure that it’s able to achieve shareholders’ expectations based on the confluence and influential factors driven by the state of the economy. Russu (1993) posited that HRM is achieved if an organization has nurtured a formal structure of organization using its human capital in the perfection of desired performance. As such, the company must be able to (a) develop strategic approaches to motivate them in order to engage them in all necessary tasks; (b) permit the organization to function for efficiency and effectiveness of services; (c) adhere to objectives using standards and performance control or systems; (d) make some essential decisions about employment in relation to organizational effectiveness; (e) appreciation of diversity to gather leverage in the market and to make the services harmonious to market; and to nurture high productivity in its economic and corporate activities. Russu (1993) pointed that HRM is therefore about defining strategies to assure concordance in business strategy and human resources strategy. It is also interested about developing a comprehensive process in the application of policies and workplace ethics or practices by setting down the integrated human resources’ desired behaviours and nurturing commitments from workforces. The objectives of this research are to broadly investigate the

Intentional Torts, Negligence, Nuisance Essay Example for Free

Intentional Torts, Negligence, Nuisance Essay A tort is a legal injury resulting from a violation of a legal right which arises independent of contract and for which restitution may be had in a civil action for damages.   Generally, there are three kinds of torts.   They are:   first, those which are based on fault or negligence; second, intentional torts; and third, those where the element of negligence or intent does not enter as an essential element.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first kind refers to the fault or negligence of a person who, by his act or omission, causes damage to another, to whom he is not bound by any contractual relation. In some civil law jurisdictions, this tort is popularly known as quasi-delict which is of French origin comprehending a common law concept of negligence. In actions based on quasi-delicts, to recover damages, an injured party must prove the fault or negligence of the defendant, the damage suffered and the relation of cause and effect between the defendant’s negligence and the damage or injury he has suffered. The immediate cause which produces the injury must not be intermitted by any intervening cause.   In cases where both parties are negligent and proximate cause cannot be directly attributed to either party, the humanitarian doctrine provides that the party who had the last chance to avoid the accident but did not do so, shall be held accountable for the consequences of the act. Intentional torts are acts causing injury to persons or property committed with intent to cause damage to another.   This is covered under provisions on human relations.   An example of this type is trespass to land, whether such violation of property right causes improvement or damage to the land.   This is an actual invasion to other person’s possession without consent. A good example of the third kind is nuisance.   This is sometimes classified as intentional tort.   Nuisance is any act, omission, establishment, business, condition of property or anything else which injures or endangers the health or safety of others or annoys or offends the senses or shocks, defies or disregards decency or morality or obstructs or interferes with the free passage of any public highway or street, or any body of water or hinders or impairs the use of property. As to injurious effects, nuisance may be classified as public nuisance or private nuisance. A public nuisance affects a community or neighborhood or any considerable number of persons, while a private nuisance affects only a person or small number of persons.   The remedies against nuisance are abatement brought by an agency of the government and damage suit or relief by injunction by private individuals whose enjoyment of a right has been impaired. In tort cases, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitor is applied.   The doctrine requires that the accident must be of a kind that does not ordinarily happen without defendant’s negligence.   It affords reasonable evidence, in the absence of explanation by the defendant that the accident arose from want of care.   The accident must have been caused by an agency or instrumentality within the exclusive control of the defendant and not due to any voluntary action or contribution on the part of the plaintiff. Strict Liability and Product Liability   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Strict liability in tort is a concept where the plaintiff need not prove the negligence of the defendant in order to recover damages caused by defective products. . Consensual contract is not necessary to prove liability of the defendant.   Strict liability is enforced against the manufacturers who are responsible for committing the products in the market.   Liability rests on the protection of the consumers with the aim of securing that the costs of harms brought about by defective products are donned by the manufacturers. In product liability case, the burden of proof is shifted from the plaintiff to the defendant.  Ã‚   The plaintiff must only prove that he suffered injuries by the defective product and that said defect already exists at the time the goods departed from the manufacturer or retailer as distinguished from recovery due to negligence, where the plaintiff has yet to prove that the defect was caused by defendant’s failure to act with prudence. Strict liability applies only where there is physical harm or damage to other property.   Economic loss such as consequential loss of income or cost of repair/replacement brought by defective product is recoverable under the Uniform Commercial Code.   If a product exists different from what is intended by the manufacturer or differs from the same manufacturer’s product, it is said to be defective.   However, the manufacturer is not liable if the injury is caused by unanticipated use or misuse of the product. Wrongful Death and Survival Tort Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When through negligence a person is   killed, wrongful death happens.   Damages may be recovered by the decedent’s survivors or beneficiaries.   Survivors need not prove the exact amount of damages which fall under two classes: economic damages and noneconomic damages. Economic damages include funeral and burial expenses.   If the survivors are receiving financial support, it has to be included, computed based on the life expectancy of the decedent. The value of household services that could have been provided by the decedent to his beneficiaries had he survived shall also form part of the economic damages.   In addition, gifts and other benefits the decedent could have contributed to the survivors shall also be included. Economic benefits shall be reduced to current value.   In deciding for the noneconomic benefits which includes loss and sufferings, no fixed standard exists.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In survival action for tort, it is the estate of the decedent that can claim for lost earnings, punitive damages and medical expenses incurred by the deceased before to his death.   It means that, it is the successor-in-interest that has the right to file such claim, subject to testate or intestate proceedings under a probate court. Both wrongful death and survival tort action are subject to prescriptive periods under the Statute of Limitations.   Wrongful death has to be claimed within two years from the death of the decedent.  Ã‚   In survival action, the time limit for the action commences from the date the claim actually passed to the deceased.   In deciding these cases, the scale of justice is slightly tilted in favor of the plaintiff where only clear and convincing evidence is required. Immunity, Release and Contribution, Indemnity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   State political subdivisions such as hospitals enjoy immunity from suits for negligence or intentional torts under state law.   However, under federal preemption law, they may be sued under the EMTALA or Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act.   Regarding state immunity statute, where a conflict arises between state law and federal law, state law must yield under the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution. Under the Communications Decency Act of l996, providers or users of interactive computer service are entitled to immunity.   Legislators also enjoy immunity from suit while in Congress in the exercise of their legislative functions. In personal injury suits, there are cases where there are two or more tort-feasors who are jointly and severally liable for the injury caused to the plaintiff.   Joint tort-feasors are entitled to right of contribution and pro-rata share of the money judgment provided the common liability for damages has been satisfied in full.   The right to contribution is granted only to a tort-feasor who has not willfully caused the injury. Payment by one of the whole liability extinguishes the others and entitles one to recover contributions from the other tort-feasors.   However release of one by the injured party does not necessarily release the other tort-feasors unless provided for in the release, but the claim shall be reduced proportionate to the amount in the release. The party to whom release is granted is exculpated from all liability for contribution to the other co defendants. The proportional degree of fault or negligence of the tort-feasors shall determine their pro-rata share in the liability. However, this issue of proportionate fault should have been litigated and decided in the same action for damages by way of cross-complaint.   In case a defendant has paid the whole obligation or more than his share in the claim; he is entitled to indemnity by filing a cross-claim against a co party.   Where a tort-feasor is entitled to indemnity, the right is for indemnity and not for contribution. Workers’ Compensation, No-Fault Auto Insurance   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Workers’ compensation is an option to the tort system.   Firms self-insure or purchase workers’ compensation insurance as mandated by the state law for the benefit of the workers who sometimes are injured in the performance of their duties.   The insurer pays the worker medical expenses and average wage while under recovery.   The only requirement to avail of this benefit is that the injury must be work-related.   It does not matter whether there is negligence on the part of the employee or employer.   Under this alternative, there is guaranteed income, and because of this, the employee waives his right to sue his employer for work-related injuries sustained.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The problems of long and costly court cases to determine who is at fault led to the enactment of the no-fault auto insurance laws that provide for the payment of policy holders irrespective of fault and also limits the right to sue. This is known as personal injury protection or PIP first party coverage. This is also an alternative to the tort system.   Motorists are allowed to sue only under certain thresholds involving grimness of injury.   The law intends to reduce vehicular accidents cases clogging the courts, limiting payment for losses and restricting recovery for non-economic damages thus, reducing premiums on auto insurance. Defamation, Injurious Falsehood, Invasion of Privacy Defamation is one of the dignitary torts which refers to the issuing or publishing of a false statement to a third party about another person, resulting to another person’s injured reputation which entitles him to damages. Defamation in print is called libel.   Oral or spoken defamation is slander. To have one’s reputation remain untarnished is one of the rights of a person under the civil law system. The burden of proof lies with the defendant to prove his innocence.   The plaintiff does not need to prove intent to besmirch his reputation and the actual damage suffered. However, the requirement to prove damage is not totally abstracted in all slander cases.   The Ontario Libel and Slander Act of Canada still requires proof of damage in cases where the damaged reputation of the plaintiff resulted to loss of business contract.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tort of injurious falsehood or slander of goods applies where a person’s goods are discredited resulting to economic loss, usually made by dissatisfied customers or dismissed employees.   Monetary loss must to be proved to obtain recovery for damages.   The elements for this tort are: a statement about the goods; that there is falsity in the statement which was published maliciously and that the plaintiff suffered damages. To establish slander of goods, the statement must cause a reasonable person to believe that the statement is true.   The defendant need not mention the product or name of the plaintiff to be liable.   It is enough that an implication be drawn by the public that the defendant’s derogatory statement refers to the goods in issue where for example there is only but two products of same sort in the industry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Invasion of privacy is another form of dignitary tort.   This is a right also protected by the Constitution under the Fourth Amendment, for a person to be left alone by himself free from interference or abuses of the government.   This includes the right to property against unreasonable search and seizure.   Invasion of property by private individuals is dealt with under private tort law. Four categories are set forth under this tort.   One is intrusion of solitude which arises when a person presents or displays another to unjustifiable promotional material or publicity. Another category is public disclosure which is revealing of private information though conforming to truth is appalling to a sensible person.   The third category is false light which places another person before the public in a false light through misrepresentation of a person’s character, beliefs and activities and the last of the categories is appropriation which involves using the person’s identity or visual representation without his consent for the benefit of another person.   Invasion of privacy entitles an injured person to compensatory damages and punitive justice. Misrepresentation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Any averment or expression conducted in any manner that is not in accord with facts is misrepresentation.   It is a civil wrong and creates civil liability if monetary loss ensues.   A person making misrepresentation to be held liable, the misrepresentation must be relied upon by the recipient or taker of the falsified statement and the maker knew of such fact. Misrepresentation creates liability whether committed intentionally or unintentionally. In a contract, misrepresentation bestows a person a valid ground for the rescission of contract.   An insurance policy contract may be cancelled due to material misrepresentation made by the insured or the insurer may refuse a claim.   An opinion that is not a true statement is not a misrepresentation of fact.   However a promise which the maker has no intention of carrying out that induces another person to enter into an agreement is an actionable tort. Interference with Economic Relations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Interference with economic relations is an economic tort the purpose of which is to protect people from intervention with their commercial or business relations thus maintaining contractual stability.   It has been held in a number of cases that an accomplice or accessory to breach an existing contract is liable for economic loss sustained by a party to the contract. In an action for interference with economic relations, it is necessary that the plaintiff must prove the existence of a contractual relation between him and a third party; that the defendant has knowledge of such contractual relation; and that defendant intentionally, with malice did disturbed said contractual relation. Damage must be proved, but it is presumed when it is a direct consequence of the disturbance and ultimately the breach of contract. Interference may include also inducement or persuasion to a person not to continue with a prospective business relation or preventing a party not to enter such a relation.   Interference with a pre-contractual business relation is however considered lawful unless wrongful means are employed.   Several factors have to be looked into in deciding impropriety of the means used to interfere. One of these is the motive of the party interfering.   Another consideration is the interest of the parties involved in the unlawful interference. To determine whether interference is proper, industrial ethics and practices are substantively necessary. The interference or economic tort does not only protect contractual interest but also ethical and legal interest thus upholding contract as a legal instrument in promoting trade and competition. Unjustifiable Litigation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Unjustifiable Litigation also commonly known as malicious prosecution, an intentional tort has been securely instituted in law. An action for malicious prosecution is a remedy for recovery used by victims injured by unwarranted judicial proceedings.   The underlying principle of this tort is an effort to equalize conflicting interests.   Plaintiffs have the right to access to courts without concern of inculpation. Public policy requires that defendant’s interest be also protected against unmeritorious litigations through this remediation. Sometimes people, prompted with malice come to court even without probable cause only to harass other people.   In a cause of action for malicious prosecution, the plaintiff must establish that the prior action was filed at the behest of the defendant and that it was terminated in his (plaintiff) favor; that it was initiated without probable cause and was brought with malice. However, malicious prosecution cases filed on the basis of absence of probable cause usually do not lie or prosper because it is for the court to determine the existence of probable cause as it is a legal question.   Legal authorities said that malicious prosecution deters claimants to institute criminal proceedings for fear of facing excessive litigation after the initial action has been decided not in their favor. In a case, the Supreme Court settled that it is not sensible to desert or loosen the restrictions on malicious prosecution (Sheldon v. AO). Reference Supreme Court of California (l989, January 12). Sheldon Appel Co. v. Albert Oliker, Cite as: 47 Cal.3d 863, 765 P.2d 498, 254 Cal.Rptr. 336.   Retrieved on September 16, 2007 from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Theories Regarding The Tourism Industry

Theories Regarding The Tourism Industry CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to review the key literature and the related theories regarding the tourism industry . The focus will be the medical tourism/healthcare services theories of competitiveness . The key findings are based on the applicability of the literature to the purpose and scope of study. 2.2 Main theories of Tourism The research related to the tourism industry is associated with the two main theories. These theories are related to the tourists dependency of moving from one place to other in terms of leisure, medical services, business purpose etc. 2.2.1 Modernization Theory Tourism is a process of temporary movement of people from developed to developing countries from the perspective of the modernization theory. The ability to experience and understand other cultures without abandoning the modern values and traditions will lead to increase in the number of tourists from the developed countries. Tourists from the developed countries are more likely to enjoy the culture of the developing countries within the structure of the modern societies. 2.2.2 Push-Pull Theory According to this theory, some people move because they are pushed out of their own place, others move because they are pulled or attracted to another place. Ravenstein (1889) concluded that pull factors were important than push factors. Oppressive laws, high taxes, bad climate and uncomfortable surroundings forces people to migrate. Individuals desiring to have leisure have the option of selecting a place that best meets their standards, and are attracted towards those places because of what it has to offer. Thus pull factors are important in determining the destination for a tourist. Traditionally, Europe attracts a large number of tourists , but in the recent years, Asia have been attracting the tourists, due to its unique cultural and social attractions. This theory frames the hypothesis that the greater the level of pull factors, the greater will be the increase in tourism. 2.3 Tourism Industry of India Tourism is the largest growing service industry in India, contributing 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% to the total employment in India. India attracts more than 5 million annual foreign tourist arrivals and 527 million domestic tourism visits .The tourism industry of India generated about US$100 billion in 2008 and is expected to increase to US$275.5 billion by 2018 at a 9.4% annual growth rate. The 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi are expected to significantly increase tourism in India. 2.3.1 Types of Tourism in India a) Nature Tourism : Indias geographical diversity results in varieties of nature tourism. Foreign tourists are attracted by the natural beauty of India. Water falls in Western Ghats including Jog falls (highest in India). Western Ghats Kerala Backwaters Hill Stations Wildlife Reserves b) Adventure Tourism : It has also increased in recent years due to Indias climate and topography. Varieties of adventures on land, water and air can be found in India. The following are the types of adventure tourism in India: River Rafting Mountain Climbing Rock Climbing Skiing Paragliding Boat Racing c) Wildlife Tourism : Indias rich forest areas with unique species of wildlife attract foreign toursists for wildlife tourism in India such as the Ghana National Park and the Corbett National Park. d) Pilgrimage Tourism : Indias famous cultural temples like the Golden Temple and the Char Dham attracts foreign tourists from all over the world to visit India. e) Healthcare Tourism : India is one of the top healthcare services provider country in the world with low cost treatment and high quality helathcare when compared to countries such as the U.S.A. and the U.K. f) Monument Tourism : India is famous for its historic monuments all over the world. Large number of foreign tourists visit India to see the Taj Mahal, the Qutub Minar, Red Fort and the Gateway of India. g) Eco Tourism : India has a variety of preserved natural areas which attracts tourists for eco tourism in india . The Gir National Park and the Kaziranga National Park are some natural preserved areas. h) Beach Tourism: India is also famous for its beaches in Chennai , Goa and Mumbai. Tourists visit these places to enjoy the beautiful beaches along the coastline. 2.4 Healthcare Tourism in India Healthcare Tourism is one of the major growing industry in India. The Economic Times (6 January 2009) reported that Indias medical tourism sector is expected to have an annual growth rate of 30%, making it a Rs. 9,500-crore industry by 2015. The Indian Express (18 September 2006) estimates of the value of healthcare tourism to India are expected as high as $2 billion a year by 2012. The key advantages of India in attracting the foreign medical tourists are- Low Costs of Medical Treatment Availablity of advanced medical technologies Achievement of International Quality Standards in Healthcare Services The Chicago Tribune (28 March 2008) reported that Healthcare treatment costs in India are low in price as compared to the treatment in U.S.A   and U.K. The most popular treatments in India include heart surgery, bone-marrow transplant, cardiac bypass, eye surgery and hip replacement. Indian healthcare service providers in India comprises of many Hospital groups like- Apollo Hospitals and Fortis Healthcare who are the major contributors of Indias success in international market for healthcare tourism. Many Indian hospitals have been certified from the British Standards Institute and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organisations . The Indian city of Chennai has been declared Indias Health Capital because of   its contribution of 45% of medical tourists from abroad and 30-40% of domestic health tourists. The Economic Times (18 November 2008) reported that India has developed into a hub for medical tourists seeking quality healthcare at an affordable cost. Nearly 4,50,000 foreigners sought medical treatment in India last year. A cardiac surgery in India would cost 9000 USD than the cost of 75000 USD to 100,000 USD in U.S.A.   A spine surgery would cost around 8000-9000 USD in India than the cost of 65000 USD in U.S.A.   A joint replacement would cost 8000 USD in India than the cost of 55000-65000 USD in U.S.A. Many Indian hospitals are promoting their international quality of healthcare services by joining international accreditation agencies to obtain the necessary approvals on safety and quality services.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dreams :: essays papers

Dreams FOUND: An intelligent young woman on the verge of graduating seeks an opportunity to further her education. Coming from a small family, this extremely driven and focused woman needs your help in pursuing her dreams. She would like nothing more than to have a chance to better herself and her future. Going to the college of her choice poses a problem to her family however. The lofty expense of tuition may deter her aspirations of earning a degree and a potential career as a physical therapist. With the generous help your association presents as scholarship money, she will be able to reach and excel past her goals. Goals are not a foreign idea to this talented young leader. Since the age of four she has been actively participating in many recreational and competitive soccer clubs. Together with her teammates, scoring and working towards a common goal has been the main purpose throughout her years of play. This game of skill and physical force has taught the young woman about herself and has taught her lessons that can be learned through life. Once a shy timid girl, she has gained an assertive attitude along with the courage to conquer anything that stands in the way of her dreams because of her partaking in soccer. Ambition, respect, motivation, intuition, and the simple idea that hard work combined with cooperation can lead to big rewards has all been expressed to this young woman because of the game, and she takes this off the field into her everyday life. The definition of hard work can only be compared to the course load that she has decided to undertake her senior year. While many of her friends already have started slacking off by taking all art classes, she has not been influenced by their decisions. Enrolled in honors classes such as English IV and Pre Calculus, doubling up on her science classes; Physics and Chemistry, while also partaking in after school activities and honor societies, it has proven to extend this woman to the furthest point of her potential. Everyday she endures a new task and undertakes it with the utmost responsibility and precision. The effort which she puts into her everyday tasks reflects what she has learned in these past months from balancing a heavy school load and numerous extracurricular activities.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Human Sex Trafficking Essay

Close to 800,000 people globally are forcefully moved across their countries’ borders and sold off to be exploited for various purposes. Most of these are teenage boys and girls including small children as young as 7. Human sex trafficking has been recognized as one of the major catastrophes facing mankind and a great threat to the freedoms of millions worldwide. Though immense steps have been taken by the international community, it is yet to be put to rest. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has defined human trafficking as including the forceful transportation and harboring of individuals by use of threat or financial payments with an intention of exploiting such individuals. Exploitation in this sense includes â€Å"at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation. † (Cited in Sheldon, 2007, 107). Human sex trafficking includes the forceful initiation of people into prostitution or sex slavery. Children are forcefully recruited into prostitution or driven into early marriages. Human sex trafficking is believed to be a multibillion industry although its expansiveness cannot be fully grasped due to the lack of a clear methodology. Though the reigning perception is that it is a trade that mostly affects the developing countries only, this is untrue. According to the existing accounts, almost each and every country has its own elaborate but intricate system of human sex trafficking. Influx, most of the times, is from the poor countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa then to the developed nations such as the United States. Indeed, according to the U. S. State Department, there are â€Å"approximately 14,000 to 17,000 people trafficked into the united states annually. † (Amy & Stephanie, 2008, 532) In light of these worrisome trends and much pressure from human rights activists, international organizations as well as governments have all stepped up efforts to curb the menace. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has led the path in this war and a number of high flanking countries have joined these efforts. The United States, due to immense pressure form human rights activists and non-governmental organization, responded swiftly and at the close of the century began pushing other nations to adopt anti- human trafficking laws and policies. The passage of the Victims Protection Act of 2000 led to the establishment of a three tier system that ranks countries in regard to the perceived rates of human trafficking. International organizations such as Office of the Special Representative for Combating the Traffic of Human Beings has been hailed for the major steps it has taken in combating human trafficking in Europe. Indeed, in addition to the United States, EU has also spearheaded campaigns aimed at eradicating human trafficking both in its territory and overseas. In 2002, for example, EU reached an agreement to harmonize the â€Å"policies of the member states in areas such as criminalization, penalties, sanctions, aggravating circumstances, jurisdictions, and extradition. † (Kimberley, 2007, 46). These nations as well as other international organization have vowed to work together with the source countries to help them establish prudent mechanisms of curbing human trafficking. Indeed the issue of human sex trafficking continue to plague the world and mechanisms are still being put into place to alleviate the situation. It is a problem that threatens freedoms of millions worldwide be it in the developed countries which are the destination of the victims or the poverty stricken countries where women and children are sourced from. It is hence a problem that requires a multifaceted approach that has to incorporate all the regions if the situation is to be effectively curbed.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Reformation for the Health of the Population Essay

Population health is an ever progressing branch of medicine that is fundamentally concerned with improving the health of a population as opposed to the sole health of the individual. Advances in technology continue to improve the average life expectancy, yet the American healthcare system is failing to evolve. Insurance companies routinely collect huge profits, yet a significant portion of the American population remains subject to poor health care. Reconstructions in academia and at the legislative level are a necessity if there is to be any advancement to our healthcare system and increase within population health. Medical training has proven to be insufficient in teaching students how to care for patients outside of the primary demographic to which they were exposed during their studies (Greenlick, p. 2). Future physicians should be trained to better understand the dynamics and diversified needs of the individuals from the populations in which they will be serving. Having a working awareness of multiple patient populations would allow physicians to better serve that individual and collectively improve the population. Socioeconomic disparities, ethnic variances, access to proper nutrition, and genetic predisposition to particular diseases are a few factors that need be considered to provide quality care. Reshaping of medical school curriculum to better prepare students to understand the distribution of disease, the environmental effects on health and disease, and how to interpret the needs of a larger variety of populations should become a priority in medical academia. Reformation is not isolated to any gender, ethnicity, social class, or age group. Health care reform remains a hot topic amongst the one-percenters, the bottom bracket, and the classes in between. Universal reforms need to be made in order to equalize our health care system. Quality care should not be about the bottom line for profit but about respect and concern for one’s fellow-man. The greatest opposition for reformation tends to come from a small, privileged demographic who is satisfied with the status quo and rather not pay reasonably higher taxes in order for the poorer population to access adequate health care. Legislation like the Affordable Care Act is in a sense socializing health care but its  ideals are a step in the right direction for successful reformation. Further clarity is needed to determine an exact methodology to make improvements in population health and the barriers that must be overcome for them to succeed (Eggleston, Abstract). Nevertheless, a financially sound method to fund health care for all should be implemented by the government. Millions of Americans are still uninsured or underinsured and taxing the wealthy to redistribute wealth and improve health resources for the population could alleviate some of the burden our system is facing. Insuring more Americans will prevent the uninsured from having to use emergency rooms due to untimely care of preventative disease which ends up being more costly and ineffective in the long run. Better access to health care for the disadvantaged would improve society on the whole as they would be better able to find and to remain healthy on their jobs thus becoming more productive contributors to society.†¨ In order to improve the quality of life for all, reforms in healthcare practice and academia need to be initiated. There is no room for political bias and unfounded claims for opposition if there is to be any improvement in the health of the population. Health care should be accepted as an essential human right, not a privilege. Social and financial factors must be eliminated when access to care is assessed in order to improve the health of the population and improve society.

MIS answer

Most of the mobile devices such as phone and ‘pad provide convenient social networking applications helping people communicate, collaborate and obtain essential information via e-mail, typing messages. These easy-used applications can let people get along with each other anywhere they like no matter between colleagues or families easily.Based on a fast and high-efficiency data-obtained function; people tend to use these handy applications making business decisions day by day. A true application of app used by Gee's Mobile Center help decision makers mom in from the map to a specific transformer getting all key performance Indicators and diagnostic information. 2. Some specific examples by using Phone to achieve a better control In the production line are a lot.For example, TECH chocolate company make their integration industry come true since getting to use phone in order to quickly change temperature with an alert, turn-on or off the chocolate machine and achieve faster time-c ontrol; GE employees use pad to access email, contacts people and help them find patterns and trends in large volumes of data; Dhow Corning's Analytics get results f sales conditions for the silicon products, data analysis by using the App devices, and their employees use phone to check email, exchange information, presenting ideas too; Sunbelt Rentals start to use a single data package system for sales team with a smart equipment of Mobile Salesperson. It's appeared with a clear and complete system reports listed integrates data from different basic functions which takes a shortcut for sales managers to make any decisions in time; SAP's business develops a one time applications for users to stay connected with customers and business anytime after work and get the information of products inventory and sales discount. 3.Nordstrom, a top shopping place, improves their price-check and check-out time under the help of the connection between phone and leader-computer. Just using the Phon e to scan the bar code is ready to go. The employees also use the smart phones to clock on and off in one time. 4. There Is no denying the fact that mobile devices really did a good Job In cost down among business field. It not only let market sales get a maximum profit but also shows an easy and fast way for customers and sellers to get along with each other. So, business Industry has gotten a huge improvement In working efficiency, products and service quality, time control and so on when we use these high technology tools.Except that, it did a very important role in assisting person's social life, no matter in communication or team work. If we lose those precious applications, we do nothing to develop our industry and quality for people's life. Location of each stop, shipping time, package tracking information. Processing include basic package transform information, customer online account, and central computer. Output is composed of pick up, delivery efficiency, tracking routes, delivery mime and so on. 2. UPS uses Aids, barded scanning system, center computer. UPS uses the high- tech software to track packages and shipments, and do a cost calculation. Each of them can help UPS save time getting a better service by cutting down paper usage, transportation costs. 3.Service (try best to meet their customers need): Customers can download their order details whether they want to replace order or make a refund back. This process is fast and easy to do. Cost (save costs but keeping service quality): â€Å"340 Methods† is used to optimize performance from lifting and loading boxes to select a package; this teeth increase cost savings and goods safety. Competitive advantage (a leadership among global delivery service): by using high tech installment, UPS has been the leadership for many years since Faded and USPS appear. Their supply chain let them achieve a standardized service and build a reliable brand image among competitors and customers at the same ti me. 4.The scanning device like barded, Aids software, handheld devices and other methods keeping Pup's management system fast and precise for inventory checking, fees calculation, customers accounts management. That is the key why this company till remains strong competitive advantages. 5. If the technology is not available for the UPS, they will lose thousands of customers and stay at the original place keeping awkward step without any competitive advantages among the whole delivery companies. Because of losing technology, they will spend tons of dollars on costs and the time they use isn't proportional as what they want. 1 . This case illustrates the reasons why health care fees are so expensive in United States. One big reason is that the medicine records are currently paper-based, making it difficult to be shared and accessed.Another reason is to achieve an automatic electronic medicine record system still tough before 2015. Not only for a privacy concern by using these devices, but also unreliable data available for doctors to gain main points which they need. As a result, to improve a valuable electronic health device is still the main topic for us to explore so that our health organization can do a better Job with efficiency and control resources lost. 2. People factors are involved by physicians, government agencies, patients and insurance company. Physicians will easily be tired and exhausted by adding extra erasures of 20 hours learning and training if we use the electronic medicine system.Government's goal is letting this high technology system used in national wide in combination difficulty within several distinct systems. Patients all strongly need their privacy information being kept properly. Organizations are including the EMMER systems to be built. To get a complete set of patient information in full national wide is still a long-term way to go. Because different companies have different systems for health record, and to integrate all the syst ems without privacy leakage, unusable information of each patient yet pretty formidable. At the same time, a high-tech system needs a high-level doctor or physician to accommodate, how to train our doctors in limited time is also a key point to emphasize.For the technology factors, how to use EMMER systems to report the same data from government agencies to another one without a key is not easy. One of the most headache things is totally keeping patients' data proper and safe. 3. The business will trends to traditional way by continue using thousands of papers; and health care will be more and more expensive due to the personal records peeping. So, government has to spend thousands of money each year for those patients who can't afford their health fees helping them solve their financial problems. The insurance industry may also grasp such a big chance to earn money for those unaffordable patients. The other industries will also be affected because of the monopoly of medical institu tions.Competition among social industry will be more and more ruthless. 4. Digitizing medical reconsidering can bring a fresh working efficiency for both companies and social industries. As a reason of convenient and swift operational yester, people no long dare their high cost of health care fees but a comfortable price instead. Governments no more nervous for the low income payments and health care bonus each year. Insurance companies can go on carrying out their insurance friendly plan in order to keep on their original industry purpose of ensure people's life but not prolong people's lifespan. 5. In my points, I like this solution to use electronic systems to solve health problems.One reason is that this system solves an expensive system for person's health care and does huge contributions to doctors' diagnostic time before looking up the specific information they need. Another reason is that this kind of perfect system can bring good news to governments to ensure people's life quality and economy stability at the same time. Under the economic prosperity times, we need to try our best to use the high technology helping us improve working efficiency and get maximum profits day by day. So, the above details tell us a fact that this system definitely helps us solve several chain problems of economy monopoly, peaceful development, working productivity by increasing service and quality attitudes for a long time.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Robin Hood Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Robin Hood - Research Paper Example Strategically, the size of the group is problematic; however, the charismatic charm of the leader and his predisposition to reward the poor by stealing from the rich may compensate for this. New members are added on a regular basis, but there is a lack of screening, which allows for potential infiltration by enemy spies. While non-violent solutions may be the most desired outcome for the project, RAE has recognized that it has been contracted by terrorists and therefore must take into account that this band of thieves has little to no honour amongst them. The goal of killing the Evil King is, unfortunately, the most effective when weighed against the likelihood for a peaceful, negotiated settlement. The management and sustainability of the band and its place in the community following the project must also be explored: once the project is complete, how will the band align with Barons and other Officials? These questions must be addressed in to determine the longer term effects for th e community as a whole. â€Å"It should be stressed that civil society is not only a descriptive category but also a normative one for it presupposes a certain level of civic culture and civic consciousness.† (Pietrzyk, D. 2003) Continuity and the necessity for maintenance of the team will be factors at the termination of the project.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - Essay Example If a woman drinks alcohol during her pregnancy, there are high chances that her baby can be born with FAS, which is a lifelong condition that causes physical and mental disabilities. In today's world where socializing is considered an important part of life, several times women in their reproductive age expose themselves to alcohol. As a consequence, knowingly or unknowingly alcohol abuse is the leading cause of mental retardation in the western world. The amount and timing of alcohol use by the pregnant women determine the type and extent of resulting birth defects. FAS is characterized by Holoprosencephaly which is a condition that is linked with failure of the brain to divide into two hemispheres. This condition is generally associated with neuro-developmental and facial abnormalities. Additionally, there are also possibilities of associated abnormalities of the corpus callosum, the brainstem and the cerebellum, particularly the anterior portion of the vermis. Children with FAS may also suffer due to absence of olfactory lobes, hypoplasia of the hippocampus and abnormal or absent basal ganglia; usually hypoplastic or absent caudate nuclei. According to the results of the positron emission tomography scans, abnormalities is seen in glucose metabolism, especially in the anterior caudate nucleus and the vermis of the cerebellum, even in the absence of overt structural abnormalities (Canadian PaediatricSociety, 2007). There is lack of proper data on the exact prevalence of FAS/atypical FAS. According to studies conducted by Abel (1995), it is estimated that the overall incidence of FAS at 0.97/1000 (0.097%) live births and 43/1000 (4.3%) among babies of heavy drinkers. Based on three population studies, Sampson et al. (1997) estimated the incidence of FAS to be between 2.8/1000 and 4.8/1000 live births, and the incidence of a combination of FAS and ARND to be at least 9.1/1000 live births. In yet another statistic it is said that though all races are vulnerable to FAS, it is excessively higher among American Indian offspring (Aase, 1981). It is also estimated that each year in the United States, 1 in every 750 infants is born with a pattern of physical, developmental, and functional problems is due to fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), while another 40,000 are born with fetal alcohol effects (FAE) (KidsHealth, 2007). It is important to note that variation in these rates depends on the population studied and the surveillance methods used which may be different for different research groups. In yet another study conducted by CDC show FAS rates ranging from 0.2 to 1.5 per 1,000 live births in different parts of the United States. Besides, other FASDs are thought to occur roughly three times as often as FAS (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006). Historical Perspective of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome It is interesting to note that concerns have surrounded the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy since biblical times. However, Dr. William Sullivan, a Liverpool prison physician noted higher rates of stillbirth for 120 alcoholic female prisoners than their sober female relatives in 1899. This is the earliest known observation of possible links between maternal alcohol use and fetal damage. He also pointed out that the causal agent was alcohol use (Sullivan, 1899). A case study was conducted by Henry H. Goddard who belonged to one of

Monday, October 7, 2019

Leadership for Change & Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership for Change & Innovation - Essay Example Leadership for Change & Innovati Clear specification of direction and goals is a key determinant of change and innovation. This enables employees to be informed about the organization objectives properly which in turn allows them to align their personal or career oriented objectives with that of the organization objectives (Mackenzie 345-428). By doing so, employees are able to engage thoroughly with the company thus they obtain the flexibility to think creatively thereby paving a way for innovation. The field of leadership has been researched extensively by academic scholars who have introduced several unique yet effective leadership styles that encourage change and innovation. A considerable proportion of researchers have also researched on the disparities between the leadership styles and their implications on the performance of companies. This has enabled world leaders to analyse their leadership styles and make appropriate modifications according to the situation of their job responsibilities. In this particular researcher, the researcher is conducting a self reflection of the leadership style employed while his/her experience working with an oil company. By doing so the researcher endeavours to highlight the drawbacks of his/her leadership style and at the same time pin point the alternative leadership approaches which could have been adopted under those circumstances. In that way the researcher will be able to articulate a plan of development thereby formulating the necess ary steps that can be taken in order to develop his/her leadership style.